This Lawsuit Judgement is the Largest in San Angelo’s History – San Angelo Live, October 23, 2020
SAN ANGELO, TX — A San Angelo attorney won a lawsuit resulting in the largest judgement against the defendant in the history of Tom Green County, over $16 million. The judgement comes in the wake of a vehicle crash where the motivations of the man who caused the crash were said to be racist.
It was just after sundown and as darkness had just fallen on the road ahead of him, Felipe Garcia, Jr. was driving his gold 2001 Kia, headed from San Angelo to Grape Creek on U.S. 87. Upon reaching the March Road intersection, it was just after 8 p.m. and Garcia turned right and headed east.
PROGRESS: Nonprofit group helps disadvantaged students believe — San Angelo Standard Times, February 26, 2011
SAN ANGELO, Texas — West Texas C.R.E.O. is a Spanish acronym for “I believe”.
The organization was created in 2008 by the original initiators:
Eric Sanchez, ADACCA executive director
Johnny Silvas, San Angelo City Council member
Rick DeHoyos, Rick DeHoyos Law Firm
These individuals met in 2008 and examined the state of the union for Hispanics and blacks in the school districts, colleges and universities in West Texas. They concluded that the dropout rate was too high. The retention rates were too low and students from families with lower incomes were not able to access higher educational goals.
BUSINESS Q&A: Big service from small law firm — San Angelo Standard Times, December 26, 2010
SAN ANGELO, Texas — When Crockett County was sued in the early 1970s for gerrymandering, Rick DeHoyos said he was there to witness justice prevail.
In the process, he realized his own dreams of becoming an attorney.
It was nearly four decades ago, but DeHoyos — who attended the legal proceedings because his father Hector DeHoyos was one of several plaintiffs in the case — remembers every detail about two attorneys there, from their demeanor to what they wore.
“I remember being present. and seeing (the lawyers) carry on,” DeHoyos said. “They were very organized. Every time the judge asked them something, they would pull out their briefs to reference specific pages.”